Welcome to my blogspot!

So this is it! My own blog! On here I have posted several of my short stories, poems, and blurbs from my mind. I hope you enjoy them, but most of all, I pray that in them you may find joy, peace, and direction that can come from God alone. To Him I credit all of these works, for without the Lord, these words would be but meaningless slashes on a page.
In Him,
Coby Shae
"And you are my servant. You have been chosen to know me, believe in me, and understand that I alone am God. There is no other God; there never has been and never will be." Is.44:10

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Midnight Enchantment

Inside, my heart beats wildly. Reaching out His hand, He takes mine in His.; Mine fits perfectly, encompassed by the scars that stretch across His palm. Looking into my eyes He says only one thing. Follow me. His eyes alight with the fire of the night, the stars dancing overhead. A thrill of wonder shoots down my spine. Eagerly I take one step forward, then another, each one in sync with His.

Running through the midnight forest, I could feel His love and joy. Breathing deeply, the cool night air fills my lungs. All around crickets chirp, bullfrogs croak, owls question. Where is He taking me? The mystery causes my pace to quicken. But He motions for me to wait, to let Him lead. And so I do.

Eyes wide with anticipation, I look all around. My guide reliable, I worry not where I tread. Vague shapes of trees peek out through the darkness. Overhead, the moon peers through the leaves, basking us in its glow.

His step starts to slow. For a moment He looks back at me as if to say ‘are you ready?’ I pause only for a second before I nod yes. Drawing me close His hands move up my face to cover my eyes. Complete darkness sets in. No longer can I see the stars. No longer can I see His face. I didn’t understand. Why was He hiding Himself? My breathing becomes short and sporadic. Panic sets in. I forget His touch, I forget His nearness. Questions start to fill my mind, pushing out all His joy and love that had earlier filled my senses.

Suddenly He steps in, His voice interceding, commanding the questions to stop. A power, so majestical rang throughout His voice. The blackness disappears. Leaving me once again in His arms.

Swiftly, a jet of shame shot through me. It took only seconds before I doubted Him. One moment, and He was banished from my mind. Hanging my head to my chest, a single tear rolled down my cheek in shame. ‘I’m sorry.’

However, my head did not hang for long. His loving hand cupped my chin, lifting my gaze to His. ‘You are mine. Never am I ashamed of you, my love.’

As He gazed at me, I saw the question again. “Are you ready?”

My reserve was set. ‘Yes.’

Taking a deep breathe, I calmed myself and waited as I felt His hand, once again, cover my eyes. After a moment, He stepped forward, taking me with Him. Noticing my stumble, He slowed, turned around, and walked backwards, letting my feet settle into His footsteps.

After what seemed like eternity, He stopped again. He wished to show me something; He could barely contain His excitement. I could feel it radiating through the air.

Taking His hands from my eyes, He said, “Look what I have made for you.”

I needed not to look at His face to see the smile so evident in His voice. Opening my eyes I looked around. At first, all I could see was darkness. Confused, I kept looking. Then, to my right, a soft glow blinked on, then dissipated. More and more shown everywhere. Small sparkles of light danced all around.

Complete wonder overtook me. Fireflies were everywhere; my own little world of enchantment right at my fingertips. I could not close my eyes for fear I’d blink and it would all be gone. Eyes wide, I tried to take everything in.

Contentment settled deep within my soul. I never wanted to move, never wanted to go back to anything else. For what could ever be as beautiful as this?

A small sigh escaped my lips. Remembering once again who stood beside me, I leaned back and let His arms enfold me.

A swift movement caught my attention. Somewhere among the trees, a shadow drifted in and out. I stiffened. Then I heard His voice. His mouth pressed close to my ear He said, “Watch this.”

And we were off. Reaching for my hand with one of His, He encircled my waist with the other. Swinging me around and around we danced. As we did, a brilliant light shown forth from His face, lighting up the darkness.

The first thing I noticed was that there was not one, but many dark shadows hiding amidst the trees. At first they had seemed to inch closer and closer. But as soon as His light shown forth, they flinched, flinging themselves back into the shadows, as if for cover. Soft hisses of anger could be heard. Their beady little black eyes watched me with hate.

Unsure, I looked up into the eyes of my love. He smiled back at me, reassuring me. He led me around the circle of light, spinning and guiding me. In that moment, I knew He loved me unconditionally. I felt it. His eyes were only for me. A thought suddenly occurred to me. He was showing me off.

Astonishment widened my eyes. Reading the question in my glance, His smile only broadened.

Yes indeed. He was showing me off.

I soon realized that none of the creatures dared get anywhere near His light. It was as if it were death for them. Everything in them screamed out against it. Yet they were powerless to do anything about it. And they knew it. All they could do was sit and watch, as their One enemy paraded by, showing them who it was He loved. Letting them know that I was His. They could not touch me. And they hated it.

I knew that no matter what I did, no matter how hard I fell, or how deep fear enveloped me, He would always claim me. Forever would He tell the world that I was His.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Daring to do that which had always been in the back of her mind. Run. The intoxicating thrill of simple day dream, of what it would be like, to defy everything within her, had always been enough. But one stone too many had been dropped upon her. One too many to just ignore. It was either lay beneath and die of suffocation, or break free and run. Everything within cried out to be free, to will her muscles to move and break away. To no longer think, but to just act.

She struggled to shift past the weight. Weight placed upon her by those constantly around her. Responsibility. Expectations thrown at her, to live the life she had locked herself into. Sensibility always a close companion. Never having had childish fantasies carried out through immaturity. Meticulously living, so as to not mess up. Denied the priveledges of mistake. As tight as her life held her, stricter still did she bind herself. A close watch by day, prying eyes by night. None left her be. Simply, her mind begged her flee.

Inside, a barren land marred by war. To love or not to love? So simple were the words, yet locked tight within. His life, his worries, had become her own. Yet, oblivious was he to the power that he held over her. She wanted to be a part, but dared not voice the words. Moment after moment passed, the suspense building. To be with him. To see his eyes look upon her with loving adoration. That was what she desired. But she could not, she dared not. All but he could see this love grown so carefully. And so, her devoted heart lay dieing on the street, with nothing to shield it from the cold.

And so she escaped the only way she knew how.

Opening her window, glaring down at the ground. How far, she did not know. But jump she did. Nights cool air flew all around her, entangling her, egging her further. One step and then another. Without a backward glance, she set her sights upon the moon and its elegant glow. So enticing. Her footsteps quickened, her breathing picking up pace. She left the light of her barred home.

Leaves rustled all around. The thrill of carrying out her long nurtured escape, filled her veins. On she fled. Over logs, fallen trees, the grass wet beneath her barren feet. The darkened depths of a distant lake reflected night times sky king, seen in pieces through the trees. The evening croon of darkness’ creatures were heard all around. Danger lurked around every corner. Fear finally pushed past the intoxication, reaching into her senses.

And so she returned to the room that held her captive, never having left it. As minutes ticked by, she finished typing the last few words of her longed for dream. Remembering why she dared not escape. She knew not what was out there. Dared not find out. But one day, perhaps she’ll find escape beyond her words, one not only inside her head.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

W.T.T.H- Simply

A simple girl, a loving girl.

Soft green eyes, golden blonde hair.

A heart for two, a love for one.

Devoted to her God,

Doted upon by her God.

Head in the clouds, her heart in His hands.

Waiting, simply waiting.

Golden bright does He shine.

Guiding her, leading her,

Loving her.

Meek, mild, a heart for peace, a heart for the hurting.

Crying though they be,

In her arms shall they be found.

Through her, comforted by Another.

Their hurts, His hurts,

She made them her own,

Crying for many who’d found they’d been disowned.

But always, He’d lead her back

To within His loving arms.

Always did He welcome her back

Into His warm embrace.

It was this she never questioned,

And it was for that

That she was blamed.

So searching did she go.

And it was searching He let her do.

None was what she wanted.

She wanted back.

And so she went.

But the door through which she exited

Was nowhere to be found.

Where now? She thought.

Please lead, she pleaded.

Nothing felt wrong, but nothing was right.

She begged to return once again.

And so He let her.

But the entrance by which she went

Was one through which she’d never been.

A heart torn in two.

A world made of black and blue.

Of hidden tears,

And blinded peers.

Now she is the one hurting.

The one who’s been disowned

With no one to take her hurts as their own.

Crumpled she sits

In her tears she lies.

Holding in her hands

A cold and mangled heart.

Lord take it from me now.

Though dead it may be,

Resurrected You shall make it.

Maybe now is not the time.

For I wish to sit and weep.

For now is the time to mourn.

I invite You to cry with me.

But one day,

The dawn shall break

Shining through these darkened clouds.

Light will come through

This heavy night that surrounds.

For that I wait.

For that I still breathe.

By that, I know I shall live.

But for now

I simply weep.