Welcome to my blogspot!

So this is it! My own blog! On here I have posted several of my short stories, poems, and blurbs from my mind. I hope you enjoy them, but most of all, I pray that in them you may find joy, peace, and direction that can come from God alone. To Him I credit all of these works, for without the Lord, these words would be but meaningless slashes on a page.
In Him,
Coby Shae
"And you are my servant. You have been chosen to know me, believe in me, and understand that I alone am God. There is no other God; there never has been and never will be." Is.44:10

Saturday, October 3, 2009

W.T.T.H- Simply

A simple girl, a loving girl.

Soft green eyes, golden blonde hair.

A heart for two, a love for one.

Devoted to her God,

Doted upon by her God.

Head in the clouds, her heart in His hands.

Waiting, simply waiting.

Golden bright does He shine.

Guiding her, leading her,

Loving her.

Meek, mild, a heart for peace, a heart for the hurting.

Crying though they be,

In her arms shall they be found.

Through her, comforted by Another.

Their hurts, His hurts,

She made them her own,

Crying for many who’d found they’d been disowned.

But always, He’d lead her back

To within His loving arms.

Always did He welcome her back

Into His warm embrace.

It was this she never questioned,

And it was for that

That she was blamed.

So searching did she go.

And it was searching He let her do.

None was what she wanted.

She wanted back.

And so she went.

But the door through which she exited

Was nowhere to be found.

Where now? She thought.

Please lead, she pleaded.

Nothing felt wrong, but nothing was right.

She begged to return once again.

And so He let her.

But the entrance by which she went

Was one through which she’d never been.

A heart torn in two.

A world made of black and blue.

Of hidden tears,

And blinded peers.

Now she is the one hurting.

The one who’s been disowned

With no one to take her hurts as their own.

Crumpled she sits

In her tears she lies.

Holding in her hands

A cold and mangled heart.

Lord take it from me now.

Though dead it may be,

Resurrected You shall make it.

Maybe now is not the time.

For I wish to sit and weep.

For now is the time to mourn.

I invite You to cry with me.

But one day,

The dawn shall break

Shining through these darkened clouds.

Light will come through

This heavy night that surrounds.

For that I wait.

For that I still breathe.

By that, I know I shall live.

But for now

I simply weep.

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