Welcome to my blogspot!

So this is it! My own blog! On here I have posted several of my short stories, poems, and blurbs from my mind. I hope you enjoy them, but most of all, I pray that in them you may find joy, peace, and direction that can come from God alone. To Him I credit all of these works, for without the Lord, these words would be but meaningless slashes on a page.
In Him,
Coby Shae
"And you are my servant. You have been chosen to know me, believe in me, and understand that I alone am God. There is no other God; there never has been and never will be." Is.44:10

Monday, August 24, 2009

W.T.T.H- A Man of Beauty

WTTH- A Man of Beauty

See the man on the corner,

The one sitting all by his lonesome.

Holding a sign, singing his grief.

A man of solitude.

A man of sorrow.

Why do our eyes turn the other way?

Do you see the girl

Standing behind you?

A simple appearance, nothing of beauty.

Is that all?

All that thought forms,

Inside your head?

Do you take heed of her hurts?

Her bruises of invisibility?

What about the child?

Playing at your feet?

Head to toe in mud he’s covered.

The brown earth his only kingdom.

In scabs he lives,

In boils he breathes.

But none come close

To hear him grieve.

So many like this inhabit our world.

Nothing unique, nothing beautiful,

To draw us close.

Yet they’re as real as we.

All are sick, all are lonely.

All have their own tale of heartache and woe.

Many pretend that it doesn’t exist,

Pushing aside those with sorrows untold.

This is how He came to us.

Nothing special.

Not made of beauty,

Nor robed in majesty.

Despised and rejected,

He sat alone.

A man of sorrows and bitterest grief.

We turned our backs and sharpened our tone.

Yet something about Him drew some close.

They followed and watched

Waiting for a clue

As to what it was

That would not let them go.

He simply loved.

Appearance He looked not at,

Nor wealth and standing.

Patience and kindness, love and discernment.

He knew our hearts,

Our words unspoken.

He gave heed

To those long forgotten.

He walked close to the despised and rejected.

His eyes spoke love to those unloved.

Shudder did He not.

Scorn, a foreign word.

To the vile, He gave His attention.

Despite His appearance,

His demeanor undemanding,

Beauty He became.

Bringing majesty a new understanding.

What is it that causes

You to turn away?

Do you look closely?

Judging wholly?

Why don’t you stop

And turn His way.

For the man on the corner,

Lonely and searching.

The girl behind you,

Invisible and ignored.

The child beneath you,

Despised and forgotten.

You are these people.

The ones we turn from,

On whom no value is placed.

Yet He came,

Ignoring the dirt, our homeless souls.

He became nothing,

He became us,

Offering something for no return.

He brought life to our deadened world.

A treasure beyond imagining.

All we need

Is to stop and look.

To search Your face and find true beauty.

W.T.T.H- Dance of Life

W.T.T.H- Dance of Life

Shining down from the heavens above

the stars watch in silent awe.

The steady rhythm of the oceans wave singing a song of its own.

Up above the seagulls cry,

watching me with a spectator’s eye.

My heart soars upon the wind,

eager to escape.

The heartbeat of the earth slowly reaches my feet.

Stronger and stronger it grows,

its life consuming my soul.

Slowly at first,

but gathering speed,

my feet start to turn-

intertwining with creation's never ending rhythm.

Faster and faster I spin,

my hands uplifted towards the heavens.

A joyful song bursts forth, filling the night sky.

All around me the earth sings,

blending with my song.

The seagulls cry,

the waves are pounding.

Spotlights from heaven blend into one

as the sand records my every move.

For just a moment

my life is being lived the way it was meant.

I close my eyes

and listen to its voice.

It's sweet melody carries me onward

telling me to never stop moving.

A new sound pours in,

a voice mixing with my own.

I stop but a moment

before I am swept into a new motion.

His strong arms encircle my waist,

his hands upon my back.

Circling ever onwards

encompassed by his grasp.

Love comes forth

adding its peaceful harmony.

The first rays of sun dawn bright.

The light shining down upon the earth.

Beneath my feet

the sand tells of a story;

of how what started as one

turned into two.

Eternity reigned forth

bringing an end to the dance.

The waves strode forward

erasing the trace of our existence.

Yet the birds still cry

and the stars still shine,

waiting for someone to come along

and discover the dance of life.

Take It All Away

Take It All Away

         A sickening wave of nausea clutched my stomach. How could this happen again? Am I a curse? I stared at the lifeless body on the ground before me; a corpse lying in cold blood. All too familiar feelings rushed through me. Sadly, I felt used to it.

          Dead. So unexpected. It's as if someone was playing with me, merely humoring them self. What kind of a sick person would use death as an instrument of torture and see humor in it?

         Withdrawing from the world yet again, I pushed everything out. I closed my eyes, trying to evade the all-consuming darkness; but there was no escape, for it resided inside me. A breeze came in through the open window, bounding around the room. Stopping to pull at my hair, it too played with me. Was there no end? Little by little, I started to break apart. I was slipping. Hope, despair, feeling, it all crumbled to the floor. Forgetting to be mindful of my vanishing composure, the wind picked up the pieces, throwing them back into my face. From somewhere else, I watched helplessly as I began to whither away.

         Shadows lengthened, growing taller. Backing into a corner, I sunk down to the floor. I drew close everything that was left of me. Hugging my knees, I laid my head down atop of them. A single tear silently slithered down my face. Every part of me threatened to burst. Screaming filled my ears. And yet, nothing could be heard, for none could hear my soul. Hours came and went. Myself, slipping away with the pervasiveness of time.

         Something wasn't right. An electrifying ripple moved down my spine. Suddenly, a soft noise betrayed the surrounding silence. I wasn't alone. Standing up, I moved into the shadows. Moving towards the stairs, I listened for silence's intruder. Hatred was breathed in with every breathe. I had to get away. Whoever was there, whatever it was, did not wish to comfort me. For once, I was thankful for the darkness. Ignoring the eyes that seemed to stare at me from every direction, I made my way down the stairs. Once on the landing, I strained for some sign of my company's whereabouts. There, behind me. The back door was no longer an option; I went for the front. Reaching the door, my hand slowly crept towards the knob. Twisting it open, I stepped out into the night.

         Up above, eerie streaks of moonlight broke through the heavy clouds. The air was thick, electrifying. It smelled of rain. A growing rumble shook the earth. Louder than I wished, my feet padded across the cobblestone street. My only escape was to make it to the forest unnoticed. The wind started picking up as I slipped into an alley. Letting it carry me away, I felt forever lost in its twists and turns. A soft whoosh sounded behind me. I quickened my pace, fear coursing through my veins.

         There it was, the outskirts of the city. I halted for a moment, preparing to dash. This was my chance. As I stopped though, the wind too, died down. Everything was still, my heart pounding in my ears... or was that footsteps? 

         For a moment, I looked behind me. An earsplitting crack resounded in the air. Lightening filled the midnight sky. Two jet black figures were highlighted for but a second. Not again. Like springs, my legs bounded into motion. A second time, lightening seared across the gathered gloom. As if on cue, the clouds opened up their gates and down came the rain. Faster and faster I ran, paying no heed to the direction. I just ran. I ran from fear. I ran from life. I ran from everything within me.

         My legs ached. My lungs burned. On I went, willing my legs to keep moving. Away, I had to get away. But no matter how fast I ran, I couldn't seem to escape. Closing in, I felt my senses start to dull. Everything became a blur. Bearing down upon me, knives were pulled. My foot caught, landing me sprawled in the mud. Frozen, I could not move. Life fled from my lungs. Death was drawing near, and suddenly I was that forsaken corpse lying on the ground.

         There was nowhere to turn, nowhere to run. Fathomless black souls loomed over me, death reflected in their hands. I stared into the hollow depths of my captors. No life could be found.

          Not again. Never again.

         With one breathe left, I cried out. "Take it all away!"    


       Then, from up above, a blinding ray of light broke through the dark, reaching towards me. Its fingers, sure and steady, began cleansing sin's hideous black stain.   



         ~This story can portray one of two things: a person before they accept Christ into their lives, or someone who has, but has fallen away and turned their backs on Him. Either way, that person is no longer living. They're dead, forever haunted by sin and wickedness...which can be portrayed by the two black images. The body the person is staring at in the beginning is them self. The thing is, they don't realize that until the very end. With no hope left, they realize the One who can 'take it all away,' and that's what they truly desire; to be free from death's never ending cycle. On the verge of being lost forever, they cry out with all that they have left, asking the One to come and make them whole, to bring life to the lifeless, to save their soul.~

         The amazing thing is, is that He does.


         "For if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved." -Romans 10:9-10

         "And just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glorious power of the Father, now we may also live new lives... Our old sinful selves were crucified with Christ so that sin might lose its power in our lives. We are no longer slaves to sin. For when we died with Christ we were set free from the power of sin. And since we died with Christ, we know we will also share His new life... Death no longer has power over Him. He died once to defeat sin, and now He lives for the glory of God. So you should consider yourselves dead to sin and able to live for the glory of God through Christ Jesus." -Romans 6: 4b & 6-11

"Anyone who believes in Him will not be disappointed." -Rom. 10:11

Sunday, August 23, 2009

From Ashes to Beauty (Is. 61:3)

From Ashes to Beauty (Is. 61:3)

         People call me so many things; No longer do I know what to believe. Many times, I've been told how cruel and unsuspecting this world can be. If that's what the world is, does it mean that that's truth? The glimpse of light, brought by a rare voice, is just a lie? For if our world is one of despair and hurt, the voices that bring joy are out of place. They can't be truth.

         Is that it then? Is there no hope? Every day, I try to find one thing to live for, just one. When the sun sets, however, it sets on a lost soul. Purpose has evaded me once again. Many times I have thought to myself, that if purpose existed, why would it run from me? For surely that is what it's doing. Like I said, it's as if the very weavings of this life are spun from sorrow.

         I'm a girl of simple living. I've learned that to comply is to survive. It doesn't matter what I think; my feelings don't count. As long as the person higher up is happy, so are you. Your joy exists only in theirs. There is no choice. Only once did I dare to voice differentiating opinion. No more. For the scars I now bare run deeper then the feeling of injustice done unto me. I suppose everyone learns what the higher breed wants in life sooner or later; Some sooner than others. At six years of age, I was taught what it was men want. Done faster than it started, I didn't have time to comprehend the action. All I knew was the dark reality that was now mine. He said that that was the reward for my thoughts. If I wanted no reward, then I should not speak in opposition. Soon, however, I learned that total silence was best. Anything to make myself less visible. Eventually, it became the reward for my simple existence. Breathing became a crime. Darkness filled my days. This reality overtook my life; how well I knew it.

         Freedom became the cry of many. The meaning of the word escaped me. It was not possible. Maybe for another, but for me, freedom existed not. At least, that's what I told myself. But deep down, I cried out for it just like everyone else. In that place where dreams feed themselves, that place that seems forgotten, non-existent, lived a girl who woke up every day for one purpose, and one purpose only. Unknowingly, I had dared myself to find one thing worth living for. But the more I saw of the world, the closer that dream came to disappearing. It was the one thing that kept me going, and it was smoldering fast.

         Days and weeks went by. With each passing moment, it seemed that a slice of life was stolen from my body. Even the man in charge seemed to notice. Every time his eyes wandered my direction, his gaze was permeated with disgust. His lust filled glance turned to iron hate. I had earned a new title. The ugly one, the unloved. That was what he called me. Not once did he use my name. His glare sent me cowering. But his words, cut straight through, leaving me utterly devoid. Never did I let on. He would never see me cry. He couldn't. It was the one pleasure that I had the power to with hold from him. Each day, the pain mounted, slash upon slash. Until, finally, I was overtaken by a dull numbing sensation. I felt no longer.

         After sunset was my only safe haven, and a weak one at that. I'd lie on the floor, staring into the dark abyss of night. Occasionally, the stars would blur as silent tears slid down my face. But I never noticed. Imagining myself far away, I dreamed of a place where pain did not exist. Foolish I know, for why dream of the non-existent? However, I found a strange comfort in the thought. So I relished it. He could not take it from me.

         Occasionally, as I drifted in and out of sleep, I'd hear a voice. Sometimes it would sing to me, other times, it would just talk. So beautiful was the voice. Its words ran over my scars, soothing them. I figured it, just like the place free of agony, was only a figment of my imagination; something I only desired to be true. Despite this reasoning, I continued to ask its name. The same answer came every night. Just before I drifted to the realms of unconsciousness, the voice would say, "I Am." I suppose it's just my subconscious teasing me; never letting me stay awake long enough to catch the voice's name. So, I gave it a name. It was like nothing I'd experienced in this world. So a simple meaning would not do. Never once did it taunt me. Never once has it asked anything of me. If I could see it, I imagine it would be like nothing I've ever beheld. One could combine the majesty of a sunset, the radiance of a full moon, and the serene capacity of the night sky, and not even come close. The voice portrayed true beauty. And so, that's what I called it, Beauty.

         Then, one night, Beauty sung something that I could not empty from my mind. Over and over, he sang these words, "I have loved you, my child, with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to Myself. I will rebuild you, My virgin daughter*. Come and follow Me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world*. I will remove all of your sorrows, and their will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain*. Come, and follow Me*." Oh how much I desired to find truth in those words. But how could it be? It couldn't, that's how.

         With unrelenting passion, Beauty sung the same words night after night. Never did I tire of hearing them. For even though the words were the same, each time they were sung, I found something new in them. Hope was kindled deep within me. What if I wasn't just making up the voice? I knew it was not of this world. This world is made of only disdain, shame, sorrow. How could it be true then? No where was any of that found within the voice. Unless, was there something else, something beyond this world? Inside, a whirling storm lived and breathed. How could it be? What if I decided to believe, and only found a lie? Surely it would destroy me.

         Finally, I decided to ask. Each question jumped from my mouth. Was it true? Who are you? Why me? Beauty responded. "Look up into the heavens. Who created all the stars? I bring them out one after another, calling each by its name. I give power to those who are tired and worn out; I offer strength to the weak*. When you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown! When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine. You are honored, and I love you*. For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Saviour. Every word of Mine proves true*. I Am the One who always is*."

         Something inside me burst. It was true. I knew it was. Nothing inside me could explain it away. And for once, I believed in something. I believed. Suddenly, a tingling sensation started in my toes. I looked down and saw a blazing light. Growing, it consumed by body. I felt no pain. Pure joy radiated throughout me. Every stain, every mark that scarred my body, burned away. Every reminder of what this world was, vanished. No longer did it matter. Life flowed through my veins. I was alive, very much alive.

         "My beloved. I have given you beauty for ashes*. Now come, and follow me."

         A smile, one that stems from an overflowing source of complete contentment, slowly filled my face. I got up off the floor, opened the door, and stepped out. Taking my first breath of new life, I realized something. I had found my purpose. I had found the one thing worth living for. And I would give my life to follow it. From ashes to beauty, I was free.




*Most of what Beauty said is from the Bible. So, here are the references in the order that they occur: Jer. 31:3-4, John 16:33, Rev. 21:4, Mark 8:34, Is. 40:26, 28-29, Is. 43:2,3,1,4, Prov. 30:5, Ex. 3:14, Is. 61:3

Hold Tight

Hold Tight

Golden rays of sun danced off her raven black hair. Shoulder length, it fell about her, framing her young face. Innocent blue eyes, inset like rare gems, saw things no one else could. Caught up in her own world, she played without a care.

Vivid colors danced before her eyes; Girls swirling in gowns of bold reds, yellows, and blues. Bright flowers held up their hair, setting of their sun-kissed skin. Each step they took was in step to an invisible beat.

Suddenly they all stopped. The gathered crowds held their breath. All eyes fell upon a form newly entered.

She was more beautiful than all the other dancers combined. Something about her, the way she walked, held her head high, captivated all who saw her. Stepping out onto the polished floor, she began to spin. Her raven hair flowed about her as smooth as water. Her eyes shown bright; the color of an August sky.

None could look away. All watched, admiration glinting in their eyes, as she danced and leapt in time to the rising and falling of an unseen orchestra. She danced for the love of one; one who’d never leave her, one who’d always love her.

His eyes watched her with contempt as she spun around in the backyard; Her bare feet stirring up dust from the hardened ground. Oblivious as always, her eyes were closed, giving heed only to the world inside her head.

Slowly he turned his face to the woman beside him. “Why didn’t you give me a son?” He hissed. And with that he fled, letting his words ripple through the air.

An iron vice clenched tight around the women’s heart. Looking once again at her only child, she whispered, “You bring me shame, little Mei-Li.”

As if sensing her mother’s eyes, the little girl stopped dancing. Opening her eyes, she spotted her mother watching her through the window. A brilliant smile lit her face. Calling to her, she ran to the window. “Come dance, come dance!” She urged.

Her only reply was the deepening frown on her mother’s face as she turned and walked away.

“Mama? Please.” Her entreaty went unheard.

Dropping her eyes, she turned around and sat. Her back against the wooden wall, she felt her mama’s disapprovement. Ignoring her tears, she fought to return to her place of beauty.

Off she went.

Twilight found her just as she was. Several birds could be heard singing the sun to sleep. They sang a mournful tune. A loud bang sounded behind her. Turning her head, she peeked into the house.

Across from her, an angry papa strode into the entry, followed closely by a man she’d never seen.

“Where is she?” He shouted at her mother.

Her fingers lifted and motioned towards the window. His eyes followed, locking on his daughter.

Many times before, as her father looked on her, she’d imagine she could see love in them, wanting so bad to know what it was like. But tonight, nothing could imagine away the hatred with which they were now filled. Malice flowed freely out of them, piercing her soul.

Fear gripped her. Not knowing what to do, she turned and fled.

“Come back here!” He swore crudely. She could hear her father run through the house and crash through the back door. His footsteps pounded closer and closer. Within seconds, he caught up. Grabbing her arm he yanked her off her feet.

“Daddy! Let go, your hurting me! Daddy!”

He stopped her useless pleadings with a stream of horrid names. Dragging her back inside the house, he stopped in front of the stranger. Not knowing what to do, the little girl looked wildly about her. Her mother wouldn’t meet her gaze, she dared not to look at her father’s, and the man was too busy looking her up and down to meet her eyes. A soft whimper left her mouth.

“Stop that,” her father commanded her. To the man he said, “Well? Will she do?”

“She’s a little on the skinny side, but we can fix that. Her eyes, however, are absolutely stunning. With a little practice and some breaking in, she should bring in a nice profit.”

As he said the last part, the little girl saw a gleam in his eyes that she’d never seen before. A desire, but not one stemmed from love. At least, not that she knew. For this man scared her. Love was supposed to be happy, wasn’t it?

“What’s her name?” the man asked.

“Mei-Li,” her mother spoke for the first time.

Addressing the girl, he questioned, “And how old are you, Mei-Li?”

The answer formed in her mind, but it wouldn’t leave her mouth. All she could do was stare.

“Mei-Li, answer the man,” her father demanded, “Mei-Li!”

Several moments passed. Silence.

“No matter. I’ll give you the agreed upon price. That is… as long as she’s still a virgin.” The stranger’s eyes looked questioningly to her father.

His face turning red, his eyes spoke volumes to the stranger. “What are you insinuating, sir?”

“Don’t get upset with me. It’s part of the job. Men won’t pay as much for a soiled little brat. Now is she or isn’t she?”

“Of course she is.”

“Good. Someone should be by your house tomorrow to give you the money,” he informed.

“Tomorrow?! Why not now? That’s what we agreed upon!”

“No, I agreed I’d pay you if I found her satisfactory.”

“And do you not?” my father’s voice had become dangerously quiet.

A wicked light showed in the stranger’s eyes once again. “We’ll find out. As I said, a man will be by tomorrow.”

Looking at her again, he grabbed the girl’s arm and ordered her to come.

Panic swelled in response. “Mama!” She cried, “Mama!”

Reaching out with her free arm, the little girl grabbed her mother’s hand. Shock widened her mother’s eyes. Almost by instinct, she pulled her hand loose from the little girl’s, letting her go.

As the stranger pulled her out into the darkness, the girl pleaded with her parents, her eyes doing all the talking. She watched as they did nothing. They stood there, in the doorway, emotion absent from their faces, looking at her as if they never knew her.

The man shoved her into the back of his tinted car, strapping her in and locking the door. She still didn’t know exactly what was happening. Perhaps this was punishment for not answering his earlier question.

Waiting for him to get in the car, she whispered, “three.”

“Three what?” He growled.

“You asked how old I was. I’m three.”

For the third time, he looked at her and smiled. “Good.”

That night, glittering dreams and lurid imaginings of brightly dressed dancers could not save her. For once, she could not slip away. She failed to block out the nightmare that kept her under its wing. Never would she forget the cruelness with which her childhood was taken from her. Forever would it taint her fantasies.

However, mingled with night’s poisonous stain, was a thread of light. It cried with her, singing what she knew she could not. It called to her. Never could she see it, but when she closed her eyes, it was still there, weaving through the night. And she knew. Forever would it be there, forever would it sing.

“It’s alright. This could be a rough night. So hold tight, this is not a fair fight.”

No matter what this world asked of her, no matter what this world made of her, only one thing did He ask of her.

Hold tight.

*Lyrics by the Fray, “Fair Fight”